在Chrome中,如果有asp.net的AJAX Postback,不能够被asp.net所识别,原因是Chrome标识自己为“Webkit”。

The heart of the problem is there are two browsers with a groing number of users - Safari 3.x and Google Chrome, that ASP.NET AJAX framework is not compatible with. One part of the problem is induced by a fact that both browsers report themselves as "Webkit" which is not supported by ASP.NET AJAX. This part of the problem affects both Safari and Chrome users. The second part of the problem mostly affects Safari users because ASP.NET AJAX framework does "support" Safari (version 2.x) but in such a manner that makes your web application look a total disaster in Safari version 3.x.



Sys.Browser.WebKit = {};
if( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('WebKit/') > -1 )  {
    Sys.Browser.agent = Sys.Browser.WebKit;
    Sys.Browser.version = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/WebKit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/)[1]);
    Sys.Browser.name = 'WebKit';